This site is dedicated to “getting the word out” about the DeKalb County Republicans — Central Committee activites, news, candidate information and volunteer opportunities. Check back from time to time as information is updated regularly.
The party is interested in your input and your assistance as we work to get common-sense conservatives elected to office. From parades to letter stuffing, GOTV efforts, to voter registration, the party needs YOUR help to succeed.
The DeKalb County Republican Central Committee consists of Precinct Committeemen elected in each of the precincts in DeKalb County.
Precinct Committeeman are the backbone of the county organization and are responsible for reaching out to voters in their neighborhoods, volunteering at events, voter turnout on election day, and electing the leadership of the county party.
The DCRCC hosts numerous events each year. The county party hosts regularly scheduled Central Committee meetings on the 4th Thursday each month at the Sycamore Public Library (though the location may change – check the website or Facebook. In addition, the party has booths at the Sandwich Fair, DeKalb Corn Fest, and annually participates in the Sycamore Pumpkin Fest and other local parades.
Connect with your Officials
4th Thurday of the Month
Sycamore Veterans Club
121 S California St,
Sycamore, IL 60178
The campaign season is here and there are plenty of activities planned by all of the campaigns. Please try to support and attend any or all the functions you can. Our local candidates and organizations will need your help.
If you are aware of any future events not on the list, please let me know. I will be glad to send out an email to my list. In addition, events will also be sent to our secretary Rhonda Henke for forwarding to our Central Committee list.
Timothy B. Bagby, Chairman
DeKalb County Republican Central Committee
© All Rights Reserved 2024 Dekalb County Republican Party